| W H O  I S  A D D I? | C O M M U N I C A T I O N |N E W S | G U E S T H O U S E S | F R I E N D S | E U R O V I S I O N  |
From Who Is Addi?|Mánudagsfréttin 29. janúar 2007

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Now it is possible for Mozilla Firefox users
and Internet Explorer users
to detect every feature at NewsAddi
>>How do I make a comment to NewsAddi?<<

Sunday, March 12, 2006

How do I make a comment?

  • If you do not want to put your comments directly on the blog-pages you may e-mail a personal comment to contact_newsaddi@yahoo.com
    • When e-mailing a comment, do put a comment on what NewsAddi can publish on the blogs and what is irrelevant publishing.
    • When making a comment, please put your sirname and birth-name. (these informations are due to comment authentication and due to publication of external comments -its due to you)
    • When sending a final comment your e-mail will be stored in a secure place at the mailto:contact_newsaddi@yahoo.com; The comments that are up for publishing will be published within 1-4 days on the blogpage (due to the situations of the blog-owner, Andres, the comments are not able to be published earlier)

EXTRA: If you have a blogsite or a website that you want to be published on NEWSADDI you can send it to contact_newsaddi@yahoo.com. You may write a small description about your blogsite/website with a picture (max 50 words & 1 picture).

Friday, March 03, 2006

Beðið eftir sól og blíðu

Jæja, það er þá bara að bíta í það súra!
Við Gunni gætum ekki verið óheppnari með veðrið en ég var að lesa á Visir.is að febrúarmánuður á Íslandi hafi verið sá heitasti í 40 ár - en í Parísinni hefur febrúarmánuðurinn hugsanelga ekki verið jafn kaldur í 40 ár. Hvers á maður að gjalda?
Við flúðum Íslandið góða útaf kulda en það er eins og að við höfum bara "tekið með okkur" kuldann hingað út og þá áreiðanlega svo við myndum ekki fá fráfallseinkenni. Ég gæti ekki verið meira óánægðari með þessa veður"blíðu" sem ég var búinn að búast við að fá í Parísinni.
Það væri ágætt ef veðurguðirnir færu að senda okkur, hérna á "Gobelins", örlitla sól og blíðu. Maður er kominn með nóg af kulda en "hann" er búinn að vera kaldur í sirka 3 mánuði.
Ég vona að hún Emma mín, sem kemur eftir 39 daga, komi með vorið til okkar. Þá verður maður loksins alsæll með tilveruna á "Avenue des Gobelins".

Sunday, February 26, 2006

New Udates and Information

Well well, I have made some big updates to the blogger and there are now 6 new blogger-sites connected to "newsaddi". I have taken almost every subject that I had before on the sidebar and created bloggers instead. Now there are more info and more issues on each subject.

The first one is: Who is Addi?

This blogger is only for what Addi is doing and what he has to say about daily issues. There is a picture of Addi on the sidebar at the moment but there are going to be more info, such as a description of Addi.

The second one is: Communication | a new world
This one is going to be more connected to business, economy and Addis discussions about the market in whole. There are some media links and some communication(PR etc) links. There are also logos to each media that I have put on the sidebar. Read this blogger and keep informed.

The third one is: News | nouvelle frettir nyheter
This third blogger that I created is only for the latest news. There I put discussions about the news or only just the news as they come. I will try to update this site on the weekends but will once in a while put the latest news during the week. Read aswell this blogger and keep informed.

The fourth one is: Guesthouses | for your vacation
This special blogger is for your vacation and here you can search through other sites and plan your vacation effectivly or just let your dreams flow. Discussions about each location.

The fifth one is: Friends | amis vinir
I got a great idea to put each of my friends bloggers and some updated news about their doings on this blogger. There are hopefully going to be some pictures and some texts from each blogger to give an idea to what is on the bloggers´sites. If there are some that think this is too much and too personal I´ll delete this site or just change it to something different.

The sixth one and last is: Eurovision | song contest special
This blogger is an eurovision-fan blogger were you, that is excited about the Eurovision Song Contest, can be kept updated about the latest news in the competion that is due end of Mai.
After that this site will be unchanged untill next Eurovision next year.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Seulement á francais

Mais c´est trés froid á Paris et je ne sais pas quand ca finira. Je me suis levé á huit heure ce matin pour apprendre le premier période de l´anglais. Je n´y suis pas arrivé en retard mais cette période était amusant, comme d´habitude. Une femme americaine que je connais bien, parce qu´elle apprends francais avec moi, s´appelle Maya. Elle et moi ont marché tous ensemble aprés le cours de francais á une autre maison de l´université ou elle travaille. Elle est trés trés drole et trés sincére. Toute la journée á l´école était bien.
Maintenent, je parle avec mon marie qui est charmant, amoureux, sincére, beau, le majeur et le meilleur homme du monde.
Maintenant, je pensé cette texte est sufficent pour le moment. Je crois que j´écrira plus, plus tard á francais bien sur.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Icelandic Euro-nation WINNER

Well the Icelandic public have voted
the "Eurovision song 2006" which will participate in the Eurovision songcontest in Athens in Mai.

Silvía Nótt or as one would call her in english:
Silvia Night is the WINNER.

She got about 70 000 votes where as the total number of voters were about 100 000 (1/3 of the Icelandic population). The competion went well, but 15 song were in the competion and all made a fantasic show and will live long amongst the Icelandic Euro-fans.
Thomas Lundin, an eurovision fan from Finland, came to hear and see the Icelandic show and made a fantastic input, with Pall Oskar (participated in 1996 in Ireland) during the show. Some other great euro-stars came: The Bobbysocks, two beautiful girls from Norway who won the Eurovision Songcontest in 1985, made a life preformance and sang the original eurovision-song "la det svinge"(rock and roll). A great competition! So we just look forward to see how it will go in Athens in Mai.

Taka a look at these websites:

The Official Icelandic Eurovision

The Official Eurovision Song Contest Athen

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